Meeting Assistant

No more manual note-taking

Get a summary for every important meeting so you don't ever have to worry about taking notes. All with the highest privacy standards.

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Summaries tailored to the conversation

Don’t worry about missing notes or forgetting something.

Nyota automatically recognizes 1:1s, retros, and standups. You get summaries tailored to each of those meetings so you can take the right actions.


Always there when you need it

Nyota is synced with your calendar and automatically joins the meetings of your choice.

Nyota joins Zoom and Google Meet calls, but you can set it up to join any teleconference manually.


Keeping you accountable

Build the muscle memory of being a good manager. Set up how you'd like to stay accountable and Nyota will help.

Set up rules for areas like active listening, emotion check-ins, interruptions, and make sure you don't spread yourself too thin with too much follow up.

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